An Epps Island Elementary School teacher has been arrested and charged with acting indecently with a 7-year-old girl at school.

Court documents show that police accused 52-year-old Matthew Stegeman Sr. of touching the girl improperly with the intent to arouse and gratify his sexual desire.

The 7-year-old reportedly told her mother that Stegeman would call her “pretty” and “cute.”

However, the documents show that when the mother asked more questions, the daughter told her Stegeman tried to put his hands in her underwear, but she pulled away, telling him “no.”

An investigating officer alleges that Stegeman touched the 7-year-old in her private area above the clothing and that when she told him “no,” he told her, “You may not like it now, but you will later.”

Police said they tried to talk with Stegeman, but he never showed up after agreeing to meet with authorities.

During an interview with the school’s human resources director, Stegeman allegedly told her, “You know I may at times pinch their cheeks,” and, “Sometimes the kids come and hug me, and I tickle them.”

The report said that Stegeman said the 7-year-old never acted like anything was wrong.

During the investigation, the campus principal confirmed with police and told investigators that Stegeman was previously counseled about boundaries with students after he kissed a female student on the cheek.

According to the documents, Stegeman was placed on leave during this investigation.

Klein ISD sent the following statement:

“After being made aware of an allegation of this individual kissing a student on the cheek, the District placed him on administrative leave, immediately began an investigation, contacted the parents of his students, and the individual’s employment was terminated. The District takes all claims seriously and immediately takes appropriate action to protect students.”

Stegeman has since been let out of jail on a $50,000 bond.

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