A missing trailer that belongs to a woman with special needs and her mother has been located, but unfortunately, it was stripped, and the expensive equipment that was inside has not been found.

The mother used the trailer to help bring awareness and raise money for a cure for her daughter’s condition — Rett syndrome.

The trailer was wrapped pink and purple and said “Girl Power 2 Cure” on the side. It even had the daughter’s picture on it.

Olivia Esparza told reporters she didn’t think someone would ever steal it, but that’s exactly what happened.

On Monday morning, the trailer was gone from their southeast Houston driveway.

Inside was a Freedom Rider, which is a specialized stroller that allowed 23-year-old Diana, who has Rett syndrome, run the Disney Princess Marathon each year with her mom.

The mother-daughter duo just ran the marathon this past February.

“I was taking the kids to school and it was gone. Shocked. It had a lock on it. It was on the driveway, behind my car. It was gone,” Esparza said. “Honestly, I did not feel like anybody would ever steal it. It was completely wrapped with Rett syndrome.”

The good news is, the family is getting the trailer back. Esparza told reporters that it was spotted and taken to Houston police for processing.

However, photos show that the pink and purple wrap was ripped off, and the expensive, specialized stroller is still missing.

Esparza was able to identify the trailer from a few small pieces of the unique wrapping left behind.

The company that originally wrapped the trailer said they would wrap it again for the family for free.

As for the stroller, it’s also distinct and has princesses on it.

Esparza asked the public to keep an eye out for the stroller on resale sites.

The family would love to have it back, not just because of the money, but because of all the memories they’ve made with it, too.

“Oh, I am going to do my fundraising. I am not going to stop. I will get us back to Disney, back to pushing her, and everything that I have to do to raise awareness,” Esparza said. “This isn’t going to stop me. It hurts that somebody would come and take it, but I’ll get it back.”

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