One person has been detained after a pastor said a truck slammed into a north Houston church just after Sunday evening services ended.
The truck crashed into Calvary Pentecostal Church of God on Tidwell just before 9 p.m.
Rev. Mark Cox said there were about 15 to 20 people inside when it happened and children were outside playing.
“Couple teenagers standing outside when the accident happened. They moved quickly out of the way. They screamed. We thought it was a bomb that went off or an explosion.” Cox said.
Reporters captured video of the damage, where the pastor said the bathroom is. Cox said someone was inside the bathroom when the truck crashed but they left uninjured.
Inside the truck was the driver and a woman, who the pastor said had a pole near her shoulder. She was taken to a hospital.
Cox believes the driver may have been drinking.
Not only did the truck do damage to the church, but it took out a gas meter in front of the neighbors’ house next door. Firefighters stopped it from leaking and CenterPoint Energy was at the scene doing repairs.