It was a dangerous night on Houston’s streets. At least seven people were wounded in three separate shootings in a four-hour window overnight.

The three shootings happened between 10 p.m. Monday and 2 a.m. Tuesday.

Greens Parkway – north Houston

The first shooting happened around 10 p.m. on Houston’s northside in the 1400 block of Greens Parkway, not far from the Beltway and Ella Boulevard.

According to Houston police, a group of seven to 10 men were hanging out at a convenience store when a fight broke out.

Things escalated quickly and police said there was a rally of gunfire back and forth between the people involved in the fight. HPD said one of the men who was shot then started firing randomly.

In total, three people were shot. Police don’t know what exactly sparked the fight, but they believe it was gang-related.

“You can see him get shot. Well, he is holding a mini AR-rifle and he runs and he just starts randomly shooting. Shoots numerous times just in all directions out there,” Lt. R. Willkens said. “During that time, we see two other individuals go down. It appears one got shot in the arm, one got shot in the leg.”

Investigators said one of the rounds went into a nearby apartment complex. Thankfully, no one was hit.

Everyone involved in the shooting scattered, but HPD said the man who fired the mini AR-rifle went to an apartment complex and called police. Later that night, the other two gunshot victims showed up at an area hospital.

HPD said all three people who were shot are in their early-to-mid 20s.

Clarewood Drive – southwest Houston

Then, just before 1:30 a.m. in the 7400 block of Clarewood Drive in the Sharpstown area, police said two men were hanging out in a car at the PlazAmericas Mall parking lot when six men came up to them.

One of the men had a gun, and as the victims were driving to get away, that suspect allegedly shot through the car, hitting both men inside, HPD said. One man was shot in the wrist and the other was shot in the ribs.

Investigators said the victims feared the group of men was going to try and rob them.

The victims drove away and called family members, who were able to get them to the hospital, according to police.

Cavalcade Street – northeast Houston

Not long after that shooting, police on Houston’s northeast side were called to a club in the 3300 block of Cavalcade Street for another shooting.

Police said a fight started in the club just before 2 a.m. after a man’s girlfriend was apparently touched inappropriately on the dance floor.

As the man and the group of girls he was with were leaving the club, several people came up to them, police said. A man in that group then fired numerous shots at them.

The man was shot in the groin area/lower stomach, HPD said. A woman was reportedly shot in the leg.

Everyone scattered after the shots were fired, investigators said.

HPD said one of the people shot was in critical condition, though according to police, all seven people shot overnight are expected to survive.

Police are still working to figure out who the suspects are in all three of the shootings. At last check, no arrests had been made.

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